Brand Consulting and Development for Police Agencies

A police department’s brand isn’t its logo, core values, or vehicle graphics – it’s bigger than that. It’s the experience your organization offers the public, your employees, partners, and potential recruits, everywhere they engage with you: on the street, at the station, on your website, in your annual report, or during your hiring process. 

Your brand expresses who you are, what you stand for, and what is unique about you. Perhaps most importantly, it represents a promise to your community and your employees. It’s more than a marketing tool, it’s a roadmap for decision-making. (Learn more about the advantages of building a strong police brand in our blog, “Why Your Police Department Needs a Brand Mindset”.) 

At Indalma Creative, we have been working with Canadian police agencies since 2011, helping them to build new brands, refresh existing ones, design sub-brands for different sections, and create new brand strategies and campaign materials so that they can connect with a wider audience, the next generation of recruits, and their employees. 

Sometimes, our police agency clients determine their needs by starting with a brand consultation. Our brand consulting services can help you identify new opportunities, pinpoint and strengthen weak areas, and define your path going forward. 

Depending on your needs, we can do a deep dive into your organization with a Discovery session, an overall audit of your brand, or an audit of one specific area where you think you could perform better – from your hiring process to your social media. By clearly defining where you are and where you want to go, we can create the deep, long-lasting solutions that will set your direction for years to come.

A sample of our work appears below. To see more of Indalma’s branding and design work for Canadian police agencies, please visit our project pages for individual agencies.

Looking for help with a police branding, recruiting or marketing project?


Policing Transitions: Branding a New Police Service


Graphic Design and Communication Services for Police Agencies